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Status Quo

> Data/information sources are costly and do not provide end-to-end insights

> Insights are usually generic, macro-level perspectives  of the market

> Economy is slowing and leaders are being asked to do more with less

> Market is getting more competitive as consumer demand slows

Challenges & Opportunities

Product, sales and marketing executives want a full view of the market from manufacturer shipments to final installation location
Inability to have a full view of the market creates blind spots and unrealized market potential
Economy is slowing and leaders are being asked to do more with less
Market is shifting from overwhelming demand to insufficient demand, creating greater competition

Answering the Toughest Questions

From product ideation to customer insights
+ We have a new product concept or idea and would like insight on whether it will be successful or will cannibalize our existing business?

+ What price can we charge for our new product ideas?

+ What will happen to our sales if we increase our prices?
+ How big is my market/category/segment/etc. and is it growing or shrinking?

+ What are the best indicators to use to monitor where my market might be heading in the future?

+ What is my share of my market, category, or segment, and is it growing, flat or declining, and why?
+ Which channels are growing?

+ Am I getting my share of channel growth?

+ If I got direct to my customer, how will that affect other channels?
+ What is my market share among our primary target customers?

+ Am I growing share at retail? With Builders? With Remodelers?

+ Which CBSA’s have we lost share in and which have we gained? Why?
+ Are new entrants coming into my market?

+ Where and why are my competitors winning?

+ How do our customers see our brand and products compared to those of our competition?
+ What are the personae of my customers?

+ Who will be buying my products in 5 years?

+ How are my dealer and distributors purchasing today and how are they likely to purchase in the future?
Our mission is to democratize market intelligence. Our firm is built upon the belief that there are better, faster and more cost-effective ways to bring strategic market intelligence and insights to all businesses.

Bob Tancula

President, Senex

Senex market intelligence provides greater insights


Determine which products are maximizing their potential.


Determine if you are working with the right dealers, retailers and distributors.


Determine which segments and areas will be growing.

Market Share

Determine market shares and where to allocate resources.


Determine which customers should be your target.


Determine how to out-sell your competitors

Looking for clarity?

You've got questions - we've got answers.

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