
Determine how to out-sell your competitors

How we can help you

Discovery process

We likely know your competitors and have, at one time, evaluated their products, their performance and their strengths and weaknesses.  During this initial phase we define the clear objectives of what this comprehensive term ‘competitive analysis’ means.  Many times, we are asked to discover only a particular aspect of a product or market, and many times we are engaged to provide a complex overview of how to compete most effectively against competitors.

Development Process

We design our plans to bring you the most comprehensive understanding of your competitors and their strengths and weaknesses, including recommendations on out-performing them.  These engagements rarely depend solely on data, but rely heavily on customers, end-users, channel partners and others.  They include learning the thoughts, perceptions and workings between a competitor and their customers, as well as working with you.  It is through these conversations that the issues and opportunities are identified and can then be projected to sales opportunities or product gaps.


A comprehensive overview is provided of the competition and how your products, services, experiences and support compare. Deliverables take on many forms from providing analysis of strengths and weaknesses about the competition to providing quantified assessments of sales, opportunities, losses or gaps.

A few of the companies we've done this for

Take a look what we do

Other Services


Determine which products are maximizing their potential.


Determine if you are working with the right dealers, retailers and distributors.


Determine which segments and areas will be growing.

Market Share

Determine market shares and where to allocate resources.


Determine which customers should be your target.